Pretty Papaya

Tim Lokiec
Pretty Papaya

November 15 - December 20, 2014
Opening reception: Saturday, November 15, 6 - 8pm

3315 West Washington Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90018



Daniel knocked on Rita's cabin door and was permitted to enter. She was alone, her head bent over a large basin of hot water. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, which suited her well. She had a towel draped over her head and was inhaling perfumed steam. She drew a large breath and greeted Daniel; “I expected you at noon” she said freely. She was now emptying the water basin into her tub and a wonderful smell filled the room, a mixture of pine and menthol. Daniel spoke, “My flight landed a bit early, so I came directly here. I am sorry if it’s an inconvenience.” She told him it was fine, and mentioned that she’d be preparing lunch.

Daniel was beside himself with excitement. He had only heard stories about Rita and waited years to watch her perform. Rita was a renowned dancer and spent years traveling the world, performing privately. She was wearing a grey dress that accented her shoulders. When lunch was over, the conversation wound down and she excused herself to the other room to change her clothes. When she returned, she turned to Daniel and asked how he liked the performance. “Marvelous, he thought, simply marvelous.” -- Alison Veit