7 paintings
March 18 – April 15, 2023
Maggie Friedman

Maggie Friedman bootlegs and remixes her specific areas of interest, ranging from the history of painting to the breakdown of literary conventions. She consistently abstracts different methods of advertising, which fosters the space for the examination of painting’s material concerns against appropriations of fashion, language, and beyond. Friedman recognizes the advertisement as a stand-in for something else entirely, a mirage of the Real. In alignment with her paintings she recently self-published Novel, which purports to be a work of fiction, though its narrative integrity implies otherwise. The publication enforces a sense of ongoingness that is also eminent in Friedman’s paintings, and is printed directly on the fabrics she uses to create her garments. The text’s self awareness bolsters the vitality of the paintings and clothing alike, establishing a reciprocal relationship ensuing between each pursuit. Friedman ultimately exists in a state of boundlessness, where the forms she executes remain opened up to the world rather than consigned to their specific dimensions.
Installation photography by Yibai Shen